Beaty + Deck {by Renee Bouldin Photography}

Beautiful wedding at Del Monaco Winery…perfectly planned to the last detail.

Congratulations Nikita and Josh.


A Day in the Life. Higdon Family. {by Renee Bouldin Photography}

This past Sunday/Monday, I had the pleasure of photographing the members of the Higdon Family! Eric, Corrie, Alex, and Kayli. Its not typical that I spend the night with a family for a “Day in the Life” session, but because we have become such wonderful friends…we decided that since, Alex, wakes up at 5:30am…it was best I come the night before. {And they so graciously, let Jack and Lorelei come too! Lorelei can’t stop talking about Kayli and Jack doesn’t understand why they have to live so far away!}  

Their evening begins with some “playtime”.



A very important nightly” Higdon tradition” is dinner as a family . As much as possible, the family will eat dinner together, with no distractions and talk about their day…and pray! {yes…I could have cried! When Kayli said her prayer…}

Every week…one night a week is “Family Game Night”. No TV. Just family time. {love this!} Tonight’s game was Kayli’s pick: Sequence for Kids. Apparently, getting two Unicorn cards is a big deal. So, Daddy, won and Kayli wasn’t too happy:) Her dramatic, “NOOOOOOOO!” brought laugther and a small amount of sympathy from her daddy.

After her dramatic loss, Kayli did her nightly chore! Feeding, Daisy. And, Alex foraged for a bedtime snack.  I’m not sure why I love images of kids digging in the cabinets and fridges…but I do:)


A little down time before baths and bedtime:) Mom can still kick his butt…but not for much longer!


Daddy…sneaks away for a little quite time before reading Kayli her bedtime story:)

Bedtime kisses for Brother!

Bedtime Kisses for Mommy!

And a bedtime story with daddy…who typically falls asleep for a late night nap, before going down to bed:)

Alex is the first to get ready for school. Up between 5:30am and 6 am he is ready and off for school by 6:30. {I’d like to thank, Alex, not many teenage boys will tolerate a crazy camera lady for 24 hours…we decided he could tell his friends I was from the FBI and he was under surveillance, later that day when I photographed him at his bus stop!)

Next up: Kayli:) Good morning sleepy head!

What I love best about Kindergarten age children…they still stop and wave goodbye! {love…again holding back tears!}

So Corrie and I took my kiddos around downtown Franklin for some local treats, while we waited on the kids to get home from school and end our day! {Thank you, Corrie, for dinner at PF Changs, Lunch at Merridee’s and Dessert at Sweet Cece’s!} Now on the the end of the day!

Alex, I am sure was dreading the moment he got off the bus with his best friends to a camera in his face. But for mom, he will do anything:) And again, Kayli still runs excitedly to her mommy as soon as she gets off the bus! {tear}

And races her neighborhood friend to her house…everyday! Then does her daily job of checking the mail:)

And ending the day with some snuggle time with mommy:)

A Day in the Life. Pearson Family.

      Orginally, I was supposed to visit my dear friend, Becca Pearson, about 5 weeks ago, when, Mr. Thomas Walton Pearson, made his homecoming debut! But, a little trip to the NICU and continuing illness in my family has moved us out 6 weeks! So…finally, I get to photograph one of the most beautiful families, ever! Luke and Becca have three beautiful children, Lily, age 5 (Lily-Bug is my affectionate nickname, but she has now informed me her new nickname is: WATER LILY); Sammy, age 3 (almost 4 in two weeks); and Thomas Walton Pearson, age 6 weeks old today!

Becca spends her days normally running children to school, preschool and then heading off to work as a Speech Language Pathologist, in the Bowling Green, KY area. Luke works for the state and keeps us safe when the heavy snows plow in or storms keep us from driving down the streets, and farms with his family! But, while on maternity leave, Becca spends her days enjoying her children, having slumber parties on the weekends (which we will take part in a couple weeks…don’t worry…I’ll take lots of pictures:), and holding her new sweet baby boy… because you can never hold them to much!

 Sammy loves to play the Wii and thinks Mario is the greatest thing to hit the planet besides his daddy:)

Lily is in kindergarten and loves to read and really loves…MAKEUP! (Lorelei and Lily really enjoyed playing in the Makeup:) Below is some of her “handywork”.  She does a better job with pink eye shadow than most adults I’ve seen! And I just love the noodle necklace she wore all day and out to dinner!

But, mommy does make us wash it off our face when play time is over…

The day usually ends with a little movie and some storytime, so that Miss Princess Water LILY…can show off her reading skills.  And Sammy tries his hardest not to suck his thumb. Daddy has bribed him with a 4-wheeler if he will stop!

Now its little Thomas’ turn…isn’t he just beautiful…and Princess Water Lily loves to help her mommy give him lots of kisses…

A little Lily love…

Luke and Becca are very thankful for their new addition:) And so am i…

In two weeks, we (my children and I) will be visiting again to finish up our “Day in the Life” session with Sammy’s fourth birthday party and I will introduce you to some more of the family…Eddie, Maggie and Toby (family pets) and some aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins! So I leave you with a shot of Toby…who was very glad to get a break from a day of 6 kids!

Thank you!

I started my business part time about 3 years ago and the photography world can be a lonely world, or a world full of friends and inspiration. A friend of mine introduced me to that world!  

A little rundown of the whole story:

Shannon Kelley and I grew up together. Our mothers were roommates in college in Pennsylvania.  My mother graduated as an RN and her mother married a doctor:) Our parents were the ultimate products of the 1970’s and on a whim decided to move to TN.  They worked together for years, but as we grew older they went on different adventures. Shannon left to travel the world with her parents as missionaries and we stayed in Sparta. In high school we reconnected and worked together at the local, KFC:)  Again,  we grew apart as we went off to college for degrees in nothing to do with photography…myself, Speech Therapy; Shannon, Social Work.

As adults and parents now, we discovered we had both started photography businesses at almost the exact same time! She is based out of Knoxville and has a much larger local market than I do and I am based out of our little hometown, Sparta, TN.

I would like to thank Shannon Kelley Photography for being such a great friend and inspiration this past year. Her guidance this past year has been so life changing! She introduced me to the book “Fast Track Photographer” by @DaneSanders! And I would just like to thank her:)… We will be lighting up Las Vegas in February at the WPPI Convention…so watch out world…Here We Come!

…keep watching…i may dig up a childhood photograph:)

<a href=””>Nashville wedding photographers</a>, Sean & Mel McLellan of McLellan Style are giving away business books to help you improve your business. Want one of them?—and want to help other people build their businesses at the same time? Visit their <a href=”″>business books</a> blog post!

Crockett Family Christmas

With a style all their own, the Crockett family session was funky meets farm!


Grey {by Renee Bouldin Photography}

Tatum and Justin are just so proud of little, Grey! We were worried since he was already 6 weeks old that he wouldn’t cooperate, but we pulled some tricks out of our hats and got some really sweet shots of this little guy! I love seeing two parents so deeply in love with their little boy! It’s not everyday that the “dad” is just as excited to be at newborn session as “mom” is…they are just precious!

Congrats and Enjoy!

Kara {Baby Bump}

Check out Kara’s sweet baby bump! I just love maternity sessions…personally, I think a woman is their most attractive when they are with child. There’s just something about them, maybe it’s the glow and they freedom of not worrying about anything but growing a sweet baby…boy!


Lyza {by Renee Bouldin Photography}

I’ve been neglecting my blog lately! But, this sweet baby girl was worth blogging about! One month old, Lyza, is just to pretty not to share with you! So take a look at Leah and Cody’s precious new addition to the Sparkman/Wilhite Family!


Extraordinary People Contest Winner!

And the winner is…Marcus England. Sometimes heros can be the people behind the scenes. The person that nobody remembers to thank…the small town volunteer fireman, that works at the 9-1-1 call center and attends school for EMT training. He has a beautiful wife, Rachel, who also sacrifices for our community in a different way. She sacrifices the time with her husband so that we can be safe and does it with the sweetest smile! This young couple is the picture of what I hope their generation will become and those that follow…will strive to be. Time is precious and those that take time away from their family to make our families safe deserve recognition. Today, somehow a downpour missed us by 1/2 a mile and this evening was perfect to capture their happiness and adoration for each other…


McDonald Family/Hilton Head Island

McDonald Family

So I had the pleasure of spending the day with the McDonald family at Hilton Head Island! It was the girls first trip to the beach and they waited til I arrived before letting their toes experince the sand for the first time! And they loved it:)